OpplysningerTenkte jeg skulle gi litt opplysninger om hvordan Kansas egentlig er...Som alle vet er det mange krigsveteraner i USA. Et eksempel er Phillip's nabo, som faar hele familien til aa staa ute paa plenen foran huset, og, med haanden paa hjertet, synge nationalsangen mens han heiser det Amerikanske flagget. Alt 5.30 om morgen. Hver morgen.I januar skal alle AFS utvekslings studentene til Topika (en by her i Kansas), paa en saann midt orientering greie. Utdrag fra: http://www.dumblaws.comTopeka:No one may sing the alphabet on the streets at night.
Snowball fights are illegal.
Dead chickens may not be hauled across Kansas Avenue. (Alle andre veier er dette selvfoelgelig lov...)
Derby (ligger ca 20 minutter fra der jeg bor. Mange utvekslings venner som bor der, og vi moetes gjevnlig)
Hitting a vending machine that stole your money is illegal.
Riding an animal down any road is against the law.
Wichita (My town...)
One must get a permit from the city if they wish to take dirt from the airport.
Hopefully everyone in the city has a trash can, because dumping their waste in a city pool is against the law.
Before proceeding through the interesection of Douglas and Broadway, a motorist is required to get out of their vehice and fire three shot gun rounds into the air.
Kansas (saann hele Kansas liksom...)
Rabbits may not be shot from motorboats.
Pedestrians crossing the highways at night must wear tail lights
No one may catch fish with his bare hands.
If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed. (HAHA)
Random Laws (tatt fra hele USA)
Hunting on Sundays is prohibited.
It is illegal for a man to kiss his wife on Sunday.
It's illegal to climb trees.
Picking one's nose on the Sabbath is illegal.
You may not park a car in such a way that it is blocking your own driveway.
Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.
All men driving motorcycles must wear shirts
Newest lawsOne may only throw a stone at a bird in self-defense.
No one may “suddenly start or stop” their car at a McDonald’s. (burger King derimot...)
Oppdatering paa meg;Hele familien min paa farsiden har da dratt til Afrika.. Det er jo litt trist at jeg ikke er med, men jeg haaper de stor trives for det.I dag er er baskeball kamp saa jeg er halvveis paa vei for aa gjoere meg klar til det. Ellers har min venninne ikke kreft (noe legene trodde hun hadde), men noe andre greier. Vi bare vet ikke helt hva det er. Kommer tilbake med mer ang det!Have a nice weekend!Happy birthday, Sophie og Marie!! Og gratulerer med dagen i morra Ole!!!